Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Back to Blogging

So, it appears as though my blogging has fallen off the face of the earth.  I haven't really felt a need for much blogging since I can update my Facebook status so often, but I think with all of the changes going on in the McKeown household (and hopefully even more changes to come) that I need to start blogging.  As you all know we moved from Wilmington to Durham about 3 months ago.  This was something that we had been planning for for quite sometime and we are so excited about our new life.  To show our excitement and appreciation for the Triangle, I am going to start blogging about "Things we love about the Triangle".  I will try to post daily (or at least weekly).  Hopefully this will help all of us appreciate what we have a little more!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

El vino tinto en Espana es major!

aka "Red Wine in Spain is better" (and major is pronounced May-whore..hehehehe)

Barcelona and Pamplona were amazing. I could write pages and pages, but I will try to get a hold of myself and be succinct.

Let's start with my Spanish vocabulary. Before my journey, I knew about 2 words "Adios" and "Por Favor". During my journey, I tried to learn a word a day. I now know a couple of different words and phrases. The most important thing I learned was "vino tinto" or red wine. They have red wine in every restaurant for about $2 euros!! So needless to say, I used that phrase a lot. I also learned "quanto questo" which means how much, which was a necessity in Pamplona. A funny other thing I learned was actual because of a Barca student who apparently only learned "Si. Vale. May Gusta" (please ignore spelling) or "Yes. Okay. I like."

Oh the sites I saw. As you can see by my FB pictures, Lil and I were quite the sightseers (thanks Rick Steves). Here's how they rank: #1 Montserratt (an ancient monestary in the mountains) #2 Casa Battlo (the "House of Bones" in Barca designed by Gaudi). # 3, the rest: Las Ramblas, La Sagria Familia, Montjuic, L'Arc De Triompf

Pamplona was great also, but I figured out there are 3 different ways to do San Fermin 1) Party your ass off all day and night (apparently I am too old for this) 2) Spend the day with your kids and take them around the city and buy them Spongebob balloons (again, I don't think Pamplona is really kid-friendly at any time of day) and 3) Spend the day and early evening (aka until about 1) in Pamplona and head off to get some sleep. We (Chris and I) did the latter. We were way more concerned with seeing the Running of the Bulls at the Bullfighting arena (and being there at 6:30 am) than we were about partying it up all night. Lil, on the other hand, stayed up one night and partied like a rock star and LOVED it. I think Pamplona is great because you get to choose how you spend your San Fermin. San Fermin 2023 (Chris' 40th Birthday).

Overall, I had an amazing, trip of a lifetime. I got to see amazing sights, attend San Fermin, and see the quarterfinals and semifinals of the World Cup (in which Spain won the whole shebang!!!!!) VIVA ESPANA!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Week # 5 "I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane"

Okay guys, the countdown is officially on.  Let's see:  In 5 hours I'll be on my way to Courtney's.  In 18 hours, I'll be on my way to the airport.  In 32 hours, I'll be on my last plane ride (Barcelona bound) and in about 40 hours, I'll be w/ my Baby!!! :)

Week #5 has sucked.  I have had the worst migraine of my life for the last 3 days.  In about 30 minutes, I am going to get a migraine shot though (praise the Lord).  Before this horrendous headache hit (like my alliteration?), I was super productive.  I cooked 2 meals from scratch (or mostly) (Spaghetti, and Veggie Beef Soup); I perfected my fajita quesadillas; I spent 1.5 hours cleaning my bathroom; I did laundry; I packed all my stuff.  No wonder I got a migraine after all of that ;)

I also got the best deal ever.  I got a 5 piece very nice (and unisex) luggage set for $150!  It's super nice and I can't wait to take it to Spain.  Speaking of Spain, I cannot wait to go and have an awesome adventure w/ my Lil, my fiance, and all of his new friends!  Oh, did I mention, I will get to watch Spain in the semis of the World Cup my first day there!!  Oh so excited...is it 5 yet?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Week # 4 "Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves"

So it's exactly 7 days until I will be on my flight(s) to Spain!  I have been 4 weeks without Chris (and almost exactly a month).  I have been emotional this week.  I have missed Chris terribly.  However, I've had some really great moments.  Courtney and Matt came and spent the weekend with me and we had such a good time.  Any time I get real bummed about being from Sanford, I think of my few good Sanford friends and I can't imagine my life without them (*Courtney and Matt are from Sanford too).  I also saw my awesome stepsister on Saturday when we walked a 5k together.  After an awesome Friday and Saturday w/ the Quinns, they left and I went out for Father's Day w/ my Mom and Stepdad.  It was a really good time.  I've been a little lonely this work week, but I've stayed busy (mostly w/ TV).  However, I was more productive.  I did some laundry this week, along w/ more dishes.  Also, I am obsessed w/ fruit. I have eaten sooo much fruit this week.  It's amazing how much more I can afford since I'm just eating for one.  Finally, today (which is technically week 5, but whatever) I found the most awesome luggage set.  I got a 5 piece American Flyer set (which Chris will love) for $150!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Week #3 "1 Is The Loneliest Number"

3 Weeks Down, 2 To Go (For the First Part).  Overall, I'm getting used to being by myself, but I've noticed I'm getting a little lonely and depressed at times.  I have taken for granted being able to talk to and confide in someone after a long day's work.  Lately I've been frustrated because my knees and ankle isn't really getting any better which makes me not want to do my PT stretches.  If Chris were here, he'd be able to give me a morale boost and a hug.  But since he's not, I find myself wallowing a little bit.  No crying, just a little bit of "poor Stephanie".  The good news is I'm still doing my stretches some and working out some.  I'm also looking at joining a gym so that I can take classes.

As for the homemaker side of me, I've done better.  Last weekend, I vacuumed, did some laundry, and picked up.  The only thing I didn't get to were the bathrooms.  I'm hoping to at least do mine tonight.  I am still slacking off on the cooking, but I've realized that if I make a big pot of something, I'm stuck with it all week long.  That isn't fun.  So, I am making a lot of sandwiches, eating soup, eating a TON of fruit, and relying only a little on frozen dinners.  I did buy some ground beef last night, so I'll cook that up for various things.  I have also started putting lemon in my water b/c MSN says it helps with water retention and your metabolism (FYI). 

This next week should be pretty fun.  Courtney and Matt are coming down Friday, there is a 5k on Saturday (which I will walk with my sister..so it's not too depressing), and Father's Day on Sunday.  Then I can really star washing clothes and sorting clothes for Spain! 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today the love of my life turns 27!  It just so happens that his birthday falls on the same day as his scheduled "Catamaran Jazz minicruise along the Barcelona coast".  Lucky dog!  Anyway, I miss him very much today and wish I could give him birthday besos.  I love you and can't wait to see you in 2.5 weeks.  Have an awesome day!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Week # 2: "Home Sweet Home"

Okay, so I have two weeks under my belt and in just a few days I'll be halfway through the first 5 weeks without Chris.  I have titled this entyr after my beloved Motley Crue.  I have spent almost every night this week alone and at home and have quite enjoyed myself.  It seems that my sadness and loneliness is over and I'm settling into a routine.  I've definately had some frustrations this week, but being able to chat w/ Chris over IM (since Skype hates us) several times a day has been really helpful.  So here's my week:

Last Friday was the last night with my Dad.  As of Saturday morning, I was alone again.  After last weekend, I was very nervous about how I would do during the weekend.  Turns out, I did just fine.  Saturday I bought a TON of fruit and just had a nice day at home.  I even worked out twice this day.  Sunday was also pretty nice.  I worked out, went to the pool. and saw Sex and The City 2 (I liked it better than the first; it's a real pick-me-up).  Then came the work week.  Ashley was gone for most of it, so I was working hard.  The week went by very fast.  The highlight: SYTYCD is back for real and I love that show!

However, like I mentioned I had some frustrations this week.  After running only 1.3 miles on Saturday, my "post-tibial" something-or-other was hurting.  Back story:  after my March 5k, I started having this pain and up until Tuesday I thought it was my achilles; it's not.  I ended up working out twice on Saturday and once on Sunday, but was unable to do anything on Monday due to the pain in my knees and ankle.  I went to PT on Tuesday and I was still feeling very frustrated.  I've paid about $300 for PT this past month and seemingly have no results.  I left with a little more understanding about what's going on and some new stretches.  However, I am still very frustrated and am afraid I'll never run again due to my genetic injury (I pronate very bad and when I bend, my knees always jut out to one side or the other).  If I can't run, or do any exercise for long periods of time, I'm scared I'll get fat again...Speaking of which..I have had another frustration this week.  It seems my abdomen is very bloated and feels like it's retaining a lot of water.  I understand I've gained about 4 pounds since my engagement, but b/c of the water, it's more like 6 or 7.  This has gone on for the entire week and I'm getting very tired of it.

As you can see, I have not given myself any positive or negative stars this week.  I find that although I am ecstatic that I am not lonely and sad any longer, I am upset about my body and that has caused me to be lazy around the house.  So, I don't want to give myself a negative score (and make myself feel worse), so I am abstaining from rating myself.

My goals for week 3:  Continue to work out 5 days a week to the best of my ability and tackle my PT stretches.  (My PT stretches tend to hurt my knees and ankle so it's hard to get them done).  I WILL DO THE LAUNDRY!  I will continue to stay on top of the dishes and clean my bathroom.  I WILL COOK and not take the easy way out.